
To participate in the Mahjong Meta game, users can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Mahjong Meta website

Navigate to https://www.mjmeta.io in your browser. We recommend using Chrome, Safari, or Edge for the best experience.

  1. Sign up for Mahjong Meta

Users can register for Mahjong Meta using their email address. If you choose to log in with Google or another social account, you'll need to confirm your email address afterward.

  1. Complete the in-game tutorial

New users will be guided through an in-game tutorial that introduces gameplay elements and mechanics.

  1. Set up wallet password and Google Authenticator

To ensure the security of your digital assets, you'll need to set up a wallet password and enable Google Authenticator before receiving any funds or NFTs in your game account.

  1. Transfer funds to your game wallet

You can transfer digital assets to your Mahjong Meta account to fund your gameplay.

  1. Withdraw your funds and assets

  2. Players have the option to withdraw in-game tokens and NFT assets to any ERC20-compatible address on the Ethereum/Arbitrum network whenever they wish to.

Last updated